(Bachelor of Science Degree)*
Biology is the science of life and its processes. It includes study and research related to the structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution of living organisms. The major in biology offers a variety of career opportunities in at least five different areas: Medical (dentistry, medicine, optometry, pharmacy, podiatry, public health, chiropractic, veterinary medicine, physician’s assistant, audiologist/speech therapist); Teaching (college, secondary, elementary, drug counselling); Research (academic, government, private); Environmental (forestry, wildlife management, park management, range management, pollution measurement and control); and Commercial (laboratory equipment and pharmaceutical sales, technical writing).
Most of these careers require training in addition to a major in biology. Those interested should investigate specific course requirements for entrance into professional or graduate school and discuss these options with their academic adviser. Students considering public school teaching as a career should refer to the programs in education, listed alphabetically in this section of the catalog.
Total credit hours required for degree: 128
Learning Objectives
Successful graduates from this program will:
Demonstrate an understanding of general principles of biology, including biological structure and processes at the following levels:
- molecular;
- cellular;
- tissue;
- organ and organ system;
- organism;
- population;
- community;
- ecosystem;
- biome.
Demonstrate proficiency in biological research and technical skills, including:
- microscopy;
- molecular techniques;
- basic biochemical analyses;
- dissection;
- computer use;
- field techniques.
Demonstrate understanding of the process of scientific research, including:
- critical analysis and use of the biological primary literature;
- experimental design;
- statistical analysis;
- graphical presentation of data;
- oral scientific presentation;
- written scientific paper.