Feb 18, 2025  
2016 Graduate Catalog 1.1 (WINTER - SPRING) 
2016 Graduate Catalog 1.1 (WINTER - SPRING) [ARCHIVED CATALOG - Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]

Academic Policies and Procedures


Faculty establish the attendance requirements for courses they teach. If a student incurs excessive absences, the student’s grade may be lowered or a grade of F assigned for the course.

Academic Freedom

Utica College insists on the greatest degree of freedom of inquiry, teaching, learning, and expression for all its members. The exercise of these rights must not violate the free exercise of the same rights by other members of the community. Utica College fully affirms the principle of academic freedom and endorses the American Association of University Professors Statement on the Academic Freedom of Students. The preamble of that statement is quoted below.

“Free inquiry and free expressions are essential attributes to the community of scholars. As members of that community, students should be encouraged to develop the capacity for critical judgment and to engage in a sustained and independent search for truth. The freedom to learn depends on appropriate opportunities and conditions in the classroom, on campus, and in the larger community. The responsibility to secure and to respect general conditions conducive to the freedom to learn is shared by all members of the academic community. Students should endeavor to exercise their freedom with maturity and responsibility.”

Students are responsible for abiding by the regulations set forth in the catalog and the student handbook. While they may seek the advice of a counselor, final responsibility for any decision reached or action taken is theirs.

Academic Program, Change of

Any student wishing to change their graduate academic program must submit an Application to Change Graduate Program of Study. Acceptance into the desired program is not guaranteed and admissions requirements for the requested program still apply. Applicable Utica College courses that were completed as part of the old program automatically transfer to the new program. When calculating cumulative GPA or assessing academic progress, all graduate courses taken at Utica College apply. If applicable, see Readmission Application Past the Six-Year Limit.

Academic Progress

Any student whose academic record falls below Utica College standards, or otherwise indicates an inability to meet program retention criteria, may be denied permission for further study (see Academic Warning, Probation, and Dismissal). When calculating cumulative GPA or assessing academic progress, all graduate courses taken at Utica College apply. All requirements for graduate degree programs must be completed within six years of the initial date of matriculation in the program. Failure to observe the six-year limitation shall result in dismissal from the program. If applicable, see Readmission Application Past the Six-Year Limit.

Undergraduate students in the 500 level of the Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy programs are held to graduate level academic standards, consistent with the accelerated nature of the programs. Students in the 500 level of these programs who fail to progress will be reassigned to a Health Studies advisor with the option to complete degree requirements for the bachelor’s degree in Health Sciences or another bachelor’s degree within the College.

Academic Expectations

Students are expected to maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher in graduate programs and while students can earn course grades below a 3.0, it is important to remember that any grade below a “B” is considered to be below expectations.

Academic Standing Levels

The Graduate Academic Standing Committee assesses academic standing at the end of every  term. A student’s cumulative GPA and all graduate level credit hours are used to make a determination of academic standing. The types of academic standing are as follows:

Good Standing (GS) - Students with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher are considered to be in good standing. Good Standing is one of the criteria all students must meet to be considered for graduation.

Graduate Academic Warning (G1) - If a student earns a grade below a B in the first attempted 12 hours in a matriculated program, he or she will be placed on graduate academic warning. Graduate academic warning will remain on the transcript for the term it is earned but the student will go back into good standing provided they do not receive another grade below a B or are not placed on academic probation.  Students on graduate academic warning will be notified by email and official letter.

Graduate Academic Probation (GF) - Students are placed on academic probation at the completion of a term if: (a) the  student’s GPA has fallen below 3.0 on or after 6 attempted credit hours in a matriculated program, or (b) the student has earned a grade of F in a course, or (c) the student has earned two grades of C.

Students whose GPA has fallen below 3.0 have up to 18 credit hours to raise the GPA to 3.0. If the cumulative GPA is raised to 3.0 the Graduate Academic Probation will remain on the transcript for each term that the GPA was under 3.0 but the student will go into Good Academic Standing for the term where the cumulative GPA is 3.0 or higher. If a student is placed on graduate academic probation as a result of a grade of “F”, the student must repeat that course and earn a grade of “B” or higher or the student will be academically dismissed.

Students who are placed on Academic Probation should seek guidance and advice from their academic adivsor or success coach.

Graduate Academic Dismissal - Any student who fails to earn a GPA of 3.0 or higher at 18 attempted credit hours or more will be academically dismissed. Any student who meets one of the following criteria at any point will be academically dismissed:

  • 3 grades of C
  • 2 grades of C and one grade of F or WF
  • 2 grades of F and/or WF
  • A grade below a B for a course in which a student had previously earned an F
GPA Warning Letter

The Graduate Academic Standing Committee reserves the right to notify students who have a history of grades “B” or lower. A GPA warning letter does not affect a students’ academic standing but reminds students of the graduate-level expectations and the resources available.

Academic Warning, Probation, and Dismissal

A letter of warning will be issued to any student who either receives a grade of B- and has 12 or fewer attempted credit hours. A copy of any letter of warning will go to the student’s adviser. 

A letter of probation will be issued to any student who meets the following criteria:

  • GPA of less than a 3.0 after 6 attempted credit hours
  • 2 grades of C
  • 1 grade of F
  • 1 grade of WF

If a student received an F or WF the student will be placed on probation and must retake the course, or an equivalent course as approved by the program chair, and earn a grade of B or better in the next semester. If the course is not offered in the next semester, the student may, with the approval of the program chair, remain as an active student and take courses appropriate to his/her course of study. However, the student must retake the failed course the next time it is offered and earn a grade of B or better. Failure to achieve a B on retaking the course will result in dismissal from the program. The student is allowed to retake the course only once. Once the failed course is retaken, the grade of F or WF is no longer calculated into the GPA but remains on the transcript and counts toward dismissal. If the course is not required for the program or concentration in which the student is enrolled, the student, with the permission of the program director, may decide to not repeat the course, but the grade of F will remain calculated in the GPA. 

A letter of dismissal will be issued to any student who meets the following criteria:

  • GPA of below a 3.0 after 18 attempted credit hours
  • 3 grades of C
  • 2 grades of C and 1 grade of F
  • 2 grades of F
  • A grade below a B in any course that student previously earned an F in

This dismissal decision may be appealed to the Academic Standards Committee. Students who wish to appeal should consult with the Office of Student Success.

If, following a successful appeal and reinstatement, a student earns a second dismissal, that dismissal cannot be appealed and is considered a permanent separation from the College. 

Some programs may have stricter policies or procedures, please see program specific pages.

Note: All the steps outlined in this policy may not happen to a student. It is possible for a student to be dimissed without warning or probation, if that student meets the requirement for dismissal.


All students are assigned to an academic adviser. The College recommends that students consult their academic adviser regularly. Some students may be required to contact their advisers prior to registering for courses in order to obtain a PIN.

Animal Subjects in Research

Students wishing to conduct research involving non-human animals must obtain approval from the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. Contact the Office of Academic Affairs at (315) 792-3122 for details.

Athletic Eligibility

Eligibility for intercollegiate competition is governed by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). NCAA regulations require that a graduate student may compete while enrolled in a full-time matriculated graduate program, as defined by the institution. This is provided that the student-athlete is cleared through the athletic department’s compliance office with regard to all NCAA eligibility regulations. Additionally, a student-athlete must maintain good academic standing according to the requirements of the graduate program.

Varsity athletics is an activity open to full-time, on-ground students only.


A full-time matriculated student in good standing may, with the permission of the instructor, attend a course as an auditor. Registration is required. Part-time or non-matriculated students who wish to audit a course may do so with the permission of the instructor, provided they register for the course and pay the tuition charge. An auditor receives a grade of AU and does not participate in the course examinations or other work except at the option of the instructor. A student may change from audit to credit status no later than the second week of class. Students may not audit courses where they have not met prerequisite requirements.

Clinical Education Experience

Clinical Education is an integral component of some graduate programs. Clinical education experiences are designed to provide support and integration of the academic course work in the clinical environment. Students must demonstrate the ability to meet the academic and professional standards of the program, demonstrate effective interpersonal communication and critical thinking skills necessary for the clinical setting, and be recommended by the faculty in order to participate in these courses.

Code of Student Conduct

Utica College is a community committed to the principles of civility and fairness in pursuit of a purposeful academic experience. Students, staff, and faculty can expect that every interaction will be governed by the values of the college - lifelong learning, ethical behavior and integrity, honest communication, and the well-being of others. These are integral components of Utica College. The Code of Student Conduct articulates the connection between student behavior and these norms and expectations of the college community. Each student is responsible for his/her conduct from admission to Utica College to graduation. Students are expected to know and uphold the Code of Student Conduct, as well as abide by local, state, and federal law. When the Code is not upheld, students will face action through the conduct process. The complete Code of Student Conduct is available online at www.utica.edu/student/conduct.

Complaint Procedure

See Grievance Procedure.

Confidentiality for Student Employees

See Student Employees.

Confidential Thesis or Capstone Projects

All graduate theses and capstone projects are part of the intellectual endeavors of academia, and as such they shall be deposited in the Utica College Library where they are made available to the public, including online in an electronic format. Consequently, no student is permitted to embark on a thesis or capstone project that might be subject to restriction for reasons of national security or proprietary or controlled interest. It is expected that any personal, commercial, or human rights information contained in a thesis or capstone project will be anonymized unless the researcher has explicit permission to include such information.

Continuous Enrollment

Graduate students at Utica College must be:

  1. Matriculated and enrolled in a credit-bearing course, OR
  2. Matriculated and enrolled in 997/998 Continuous Student Enrollment, OR
  3. On an approved Leave of Absence.

Students who do not fall into one of three above categories and have not been dismissed from the college will be deactivated and lose matriculated status (see Matriculation). Students who have completed all of the course requirements for their graduate degree except for their culminating academic experience (e.g., thesis, capstone project, comprehensive exam, portfolio/dossier), must maintain continuous enrollment until their final thesis or project has been approved with all required edits completed or the comprehensive exam has been taken and passed. At the discretion of the program director, this can be accomplished by enrolling in a 997/998 continuous student enrollment course and paying the appropriate tuition/fee every semester until completion. The six-year time limit for completion of degree begins at the initial date of matriculation in a program and includes all time accumulated through enrollment in a 997/998 course (see Academic Progress). Failure to enroll in a 997/998 course will result in loss of matriculated status (see Matriculation). A Leave of Absence Form must be submitted to request a formal leave of absence (see Leave of Absence).

Copyrighted Material and Unauthorized Peer-to-Peer File Sharing

Notice of Utica College Policy Concerning Unauthorized Distribution of Copyrighter Material and Unauthorized Peer-To-Peer File Sharing:

Utica College is committed to educating the Utica College community concerning unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material, including unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing. Furthermore, the Education Opportunity Act of 2008 requires that this notice be sent to members of the College community annually.

Users of the Utica College computing network are prohibited from the unauthorized copying, distribution, alteration, use, or translation of copyrighted materials, software motion pictures, music, or other media without the express written permission of the copyright holder.

Violation of this policy puts users at risk for losing computing privileges, being charged with a violation of the Utica College Student Code of Conduct and the resultant disciplinary sanctions, being disciplined as an employee, and/or facing civil or criminal liability.

The following links on Utica College’s Web site set forth Utica College’s file-sharing policies and provide access and information to help users comply with those policies.

While file sharing is not in and of itself illegal, unauthorized file sharing of copyrighted materials, including music and motion pictures, is a violation of copyright laws and can subject you to civil and criminal sanctions. In addition, downloading and/or using peer-to-peer software can be hazardous to your computer and the Utica College network, as many shared files can contain spyware or viruses.

Anyone found to violate the rights of a copyright owner is deemed an infringer of the copyright. Civil remedies for infringement include injunctions, forfeiture, seizure, and actual damages and profits suffered due to the infringement. In addition, in lieu of actual damages, the copyright owner may elect to pursue statutory damages ranging from $200 to $150,000 in the case of a willful infringement. The court may also award the copyright owner reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs related to prosecuting the action.

Infringers additionally may face criminal liability if they willfully infringe a copyright in certain situations. Violations of the above carry possible jail time (increased for multiple offenses) and fines, as well as seizure, forfeiture, and distribution of any copies or means by which copies are made.

Article 17, Chapter 5 of the United States Code sets forth the laws concerning Copyright Infringement and Remedies.

Violation of Utica College’s copyright and file-sharing policies will subject individuals to appropriate disciplinary action, including, but not limited to mandatory training, loss of campus data network privileges, referral to the Office of Student Affairs for additional action through the student disciplinary process.

For the full disciplinary procedures as outlined in the Copyright and Peer-to-Peer File Sharing policy please see www.utica.edu/academic/iits/copyright/resources.cfm or the College’s established disciplinary procedures for students as outlined in the Student Handbook.

Utica College additionally takes its obligations pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) very seriously. If Utica College receives a notice concerning a possible infringement, the DMCA requires Utica College to take certain steps to ensure illegal file sharing or other copyright violations occurring on the Utica College network have been stopped. If Utica College receives such a notice about copyright-infringement material in your possession, your computer privileges will be temporarily suspended and you will be required to remove the infringing material from your computer.

Course Cancellation

The College reserves the right to cancel any course if registration for it does not justify continuance and to make changes in courses, regulations, curricula, and fees at any time. Students enrolled in a course that is canceled will receive notification via their UC e-mail account. Students may also verify their schedule via BannerWeb.

Course Numbering

Graduate level courses at Utica College are numbered in series at the 500, 600, 700, or 800 level. Courses at the 500 level are open to both graduate and undergraduate students, courses at the 600, 700, or 800 level are for graduate students only.

Credit Hours

Instructional courses must offer 12 ½ hours of active instruction for each credit hour with twice that time allotted for student work outside the classroom, as required by New York State. Accordingly, a three-credit course consists of 37 ½ hours of active instruction with the expectation that the student will spend twice that time on outside assignments such as homework, research, and review. This definition is consistent throughout all modes of instruction - on - ground, hybrid, and online - for both undergraduate and graduate classes. This definition applies equally to courses of any length, including 8-week courses.

Supervised courses (courses that offer students immersion experiences in another culture without formal lectures, presentations, and laboratory work) offer one academic credit per five days in situ of the course.

Laboratory courses offer one credit hour for each 37 ½ hours of laboratory work.

The Office of the Provost, in consultation with the Curriculum Committee, will review and determine the credit hours for courses that do not fall into the categories above.

Culminating Academic Experience Requirements

In keeping with the requirements of the New York State Department of Education, Utica College requires that all graduate students complete research or a comparable occupational or professional experience, which the College calls Culminating Academic Experiences. Each graduate program determines which experience option(s) are available to students in the program (e.g., thesis, capstone project, comprehensive exam, portfolio/dossier).

At Utica College, individual graduate programs have program-specific research requirements. For complete information and requirements, students should obtain additional information from the program in which they are matriculated. See the Office of Graduate Studies Web site at www.utica.edu/ogs for the current Culminating Academic Experience options with broad definitions and the procedures for each.

Curriculum Changes

The College reserves the right to make changes in courses, regulations, curricula, and fees at any time.

Deferred Entry

Students accepted into a graduate program at Utica College may request to defer entry for up to one year, subject to approval by the director of the graduate program in question. Before deferred entry is granted, the student must pay the tuition deposit, which is non-refundable. In order to defer entry beyond one year, a student must re-apply after the first year and pay a second tuition deposit.


See Academic Warning, Probation, and Dismissal.


All students, staff, and faculty are issued an official UC e-mail account and are required to use it for official communication with UC students, staff, and faculty. Your UC e-mail account is the primary official channel through which the College will communicate with you, therefore you must check your account regularly. Information on using your UC e-mail account can be found at www.utica.edu/helpsheets.

Experience Credit

Only in exceptional circumstances will Utica College allow for experience credit. Experience credit is limited to six credits in a program, and the experience credit must have produced the learning equivalent to taking a course in the program. A student wishing to receive experience credit must submit an Application for Graduate Experience Credit to their program director, who in turn submits the form with their endorsement to the Dean for Graduate Studies. If approved some type of formal evaluation demonstrating knowledge of the information appropriate to the course must occur such as a final paper or exam. The appropriate tuition and fees apply for the equivalent course(s) based on the per-credit rate for that program’s tuition.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

See Student Records.

Field Experience

Some graduate programs have field or clinical education components that are designed to provide support and integration of the academic course work in field settings. Students may demonstrate the ability to meet the academic and professional standards of the program, demonstrate effective interpersonal communication and critical thinking skills necessary for the setting, and be recommended by the faculty for the field placements.

Financial Changes

Contact the Office of Student Financial Services at (315) 792-3179 or visit www.utica.edu/sfs for current tuition rates, fees, and other expenses. The College reserves the right to make changes in tuition and fee at any time.


Required forms noted in this document are available online at the Graduate Studies Web site, www.utica.edu/ogs.

Grade Changes

Once a grade has been reported, it may not be changed except to correct an error. All such cases must be reported by the course instructor and require the approval of the academic school dean. If a student believes that the grade reported by the course instructor is not accurate and after talking with the instructor still believes there is an error, the student may petition the Academic Standards Committee for a grade change. (For further information, see Grievance and Complaint Procedure.)

Grade Point Average

Grade points are awarded on the basis of a 4.0 Quality Point Scale for each credit hour based on the grade received in a course:

A = 4.0 B+ = 3.3 C+ = 2.3
A- = 3.7 B = 3.0 C = 2.0
  B- = 2.7 F = 0.0

Grades of AU and P are not calculated into the grade point average, nor is any credit received. For most courses at Utica College, students receive three credit hours, although the number of credit hours per course varies. The individual course listings in the catalog and in each semester’s registration schedule inform students of the number of credit hours for each course. In this catalog, the number of credit hours is indicated in parentheses after the course listing. A graduate student must have a 3.0 Overall GPA or better in order to graduate.

Grading System

The grading system used at Utica College is a letter system, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, and P, which are passing grades, AU (Audit), and F (Failing). Only courses designated as such in the graduate catalog may be taken on a pass/fail basis.

A grade of I (Incomplete) may be granted only if it can be demonstrated that it would be unfair to hold a student to the normal time limits for the course. Illness or exceptional circumstances are the usual bases for consideration. A grade of Incomplete must be agreed upon by both the student and the instructor and should include the completion of an Incomplete Contract Form. The amount of time granted to complete the Incomplete will be set by the instructor at the time the grade is submitted, but the default time frame is six weeks from the latest final grades due date of a given semester. Even though an instructor may require a student to repeat certain elements of a course to finish an Incomplete, students should not register for the course a second time. However, the student must remain enrolled in either another credit-bearing course or in 997/998 Continuous Student Enrollment (see Continuous Enrollment). Completing requirements for a course does not remove the Incomplete from the record. The I remains a permanent part of the academic record and transcript with the final grade being attached to it (e.g., IA, IB). Grades of Incomplete may affect student financial aid; contact the Office of Student Financial Services for more information.

For courses that, by necessity, extend beyond the end of the semester, a grade of V (for variable length) may be issued by the instructor. The grade of V is a neutral grade and is replaced by the letter grade earned at the conclusion of the course.

Graduation Approval

It is the student’s final responsibility to ensure that all degree requirements have been completed. Students can review their progress toward degree completion at any time using the Degree Evaluation function, which is in the Student Services tab in BannerWeb for students.

To be approved for graduation, a student must:

  • Complete all course requirements with satisfactory academic standing including a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0.
  • Be enrolled in a credit-bearing course or in a 997/998 Continuous Student Enrollment course for the semester in which they seek graduation.
  • Submit an Application for Degree to the Registrar’s Office by the deadline for the semester in which the student anticipates graduating.
  • Successfully complete a Culminating Academic Experience (e.g., thesis, capstone project, comprehensive exam, portfolio/dossier).
  • If appropriate, submit required paperwork and copies of the Culminating Academic Experience to the Office of Graduate Studies, and
  • Satisfy all financial obligations to the College, including the graduation fee and completing the Exit Interview.

Each student’s Application for Degree is verified for completion of the above requirements for graduation. When all of these criteria have been met, the dean shall recommend the student to the provost for certification by the Faculty Senate that the student has met all of the requirements for graduation.

Grievance and Complaint Procedures

Students who believe that they have been treated unfairly by the College have the right to file a grievance or complaint. Students are encouraged to resolve complaints informally with the faculty or administrators most closely involved in the alleged problem. If a student wishes to take more formal action, the student may file a complaint. In resolving complaints the College will adhere to the following principles:

  1. The College will attempt to investigate and resolve formal complaints in a reasonable time frame;
  2. Final determination of formal complaints will be made by a person or persons not directly involved in the alleged problem.
  3. No adverse action will be taken against anyone for filing a complaint.

If a student wishes to be absolved from adhering to a particular administrative regulation or procedure, believes an administrative regulation has been unfairly applied, or feels unfairly treated on an administrative matter, the student should discuss the problem with the school dean. Depending on the nature of the complaint, the dean will reach a conclusion in the matter or refer the individual to the appropriate administrative officer for resolution. In either case the person will be required to submit a petition in writing and will be informed of the outcome in writing.

If the matter cannot be resolved to the student’s satisfaction, the student may submit a petition to the Academic Standards Committee. The committee will consider the petition and inform the student by letter of the decision reached and the action taken.

Appeals of actions taken by any administrative officer should be submitted in writing to the president of the College.

Any appeals of actions taken by the president of the College should be submitted to the chairperson of the Board of Trustees.

Human Subjects in Research

Federal regulations developed by the National Institute of Health require the protection of the rights of human subjects used in research of any kind. Utica College acknowledges its responsibility for protecting the rights and welfare of human subjects in research. The College’s policies and procedures are consistent with the applicable federal regulations and apply to all activities that include research with human subjects and:

  1. Are sponsored by the College; or
  2. Are conducted by or under the direction of any employee, student, or agent of the College in connection with his or her institutional responsibilities; or
  3. Are conducted by or under the direction of any employee, student, or agent of the College using any property or facility of the College; or
  4. Involve the use of the College’s non-public information.

Utica College policy states that no research with human subjects shall be conducted until the Institutional Review Board has approved the research protocol. Before such approval is granted, proper consideration shall be given to the risks to the subjects, the anticipated benefits to the subjects and others, the importance of the knowledge that reasonably may be expected to result, and the informed consent process to be employed.

Further information on the use of human subjects in research may be found in the Utica College IRB Policies and Procedures Manual available on the web at www.utica.edu/irb.

Inactive Students

Students who are inactive (not enrolled) for at least two years but have not indicated their intent to withdraw from Utica College will be administratively withdrawn from their academic program. The College will no longer communicate with these students regarding registration or degree completion. A student who has been withdrawn but wants to return to complete their degree and is capable of completing the degree within the six-year limit of degree completion can submit an Application for Readmission Form. Students wishing to return who are unable to complete their degree within the six-year limit should see Readmission Applications Past the Six-Year Limit for more information.

Incomplete (I) Grade

See Grading System

Independent Study or Project

An independent study or project is endorsed at the graduate level when it contributes significantly to the student’s overall objectives and satisfies the graduate academic standards of Utica College. An independent study or project may only be undertaken beyond subject matter covered by the courses listed in the catalog. Graduate students undertaking an independent study or project must be matriculated and have at least a 3.0 cumulative grade point average. No more than a total of six credit hours of independent study and project may count as credit toward a graduate degree. All independent studies and projects must have the written approval of the instructor, the student’s graduate program director, and the school dean before the student registers for or begins the independent study or project. Tuition for an independent study or project is the per-credit rate for the appropriate program.

Intellectual Honesty

Utica College expects its faculty and students to observe traditional canons of scholarly discourse, academic behavior, and due process. The faculty at Utica College expect intellectual honesty from students. Intellectual honesty is necessary for the free exchange of ideas. Plagiarism, a serious form of intellectual dishonesty, is defined as the use of ideas and phrases in the writings of others as one’s own without crediting the source. Cheating refers to both giving and receiving unauthorized assistance in taking examinations. Students who assist other students in acts of plagiarism and/or cheating, or who otherwise contribute to acts of intellectual dishonesty, are subject to the appropriate penalties.

Utica College faculty are authorized to assign academic penalties for intellectual dishonesty, including the grade of “F for cheating.” Students who receive an “F for cheating” forfeit their rights to withdraw from the course without penalty. Students who wish to appeal a penalty should consult with Academic Support Services. Appeals are heard by the Academic Standards Committee, which may recommend a more or less severe penalty.

Intellectual Rights

Respect for intellectual labor and creativity is vital to academic discourse and enterprise. This principle applies to the work of all authors and publishers in all media. It encompasses respect for the right to acknowledgement, right to privacy, and the right to determine the form, manner, and terms of publication and distribution. Because electronic information is so volatile and easily reproduced, respect for the work and personal expression of others is especial critical in computer environments. Violation of authorial integrity, including plagiarism, invasion of privacy, unauthorized access, and trade secret and copyright violations may be grounds for sanctions against any member of the academic community.

Leave of Absence

Leaves of absence may be granted at the discretion of the academic program for medical or other extenuating circumstances. To request a leave of absence, students must complete the appropriate Leave of Absence form and provide appropriate documentation where requested. Non-Medical leave of absence will be granted for one semester at a time only. Only in exceptional circumstances will a non-medical leave of absence be granted for more than two semesters; this includes summer for those programs where students are expected to take summer classes. Time accumulated during a leave of absence does not count toward the time limitation for completion of a graduate degree (see Academic Progress). For details regarding Medical Leaves of Absence, please refer to the Registrar’s Office website.

A leave of absence may NOT be used in place of enrolling in a 997/998 Continuous Student Enrollment course (see Continuous Enrollment).

Leave, Medical

The purpose of Medical Leave of Absence (MLOA) is twofold:

  1. To maintain your health coverage if you are insured by a parent and need to maintain your health insurance coverage.
  2. To keep your student loans in deferment during an illness.

To apply for a Medical Leave of Absence (students must apply for each semester in which an MLOA is required and must submit the proper forms prior to the end of the add/drop period for that semester):

  1. Download and complete the Medical Leave of Absence form from the Registrar’s web site at https://www.utica.edu/academic/registrar/MLOA.pdf. Submit the form to the Office of the Registrar.
  2. Submit supporting documentation from your healthcare provider. The supporting documentation from your healthcare provider must include:
    1. basis for the medical leave
    2. an appropriate duration of the leave.

It is not necessary for a student to apply for a MLOA if he or she has a registration record for that semester. A grade of WD counts as a registration record. An MLOA is inappropriate for a student who withdraws from all classes after the start of a semester and gets WD grades since an MLOA presupposes no registration at all for a term. Since, in such cases, the student has maintained continuous enrollment by having a registration record, he or she is eligible to register the following semester and will suffer no adverse effects due to the fact that he or she was not eligible to apply formally for an MLOA.

Confidentiality of Medical Information:

Information provided to the College as part of an MLOA will be considered confidential and will be released only in circumstances described by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Leave, Military-Related

If you will be leaving for military duty or are returning from assignment, please contact UC’s Veteran’s Liaison, Craig Dewan at: (315) 792-3393, email cpdewan@utica.edu.

Utica College policy for military-related withdrawal:

  • You will need your official orders for military duty sent to the Utica College Registrars Office.
  • There will be no academic penalty for withdrawing from your courses provided that you - (a) notify each of your instructors of your leave within reasonable timeframes, (b) work out arrangements with your instructors to complete assignments, and (c) mutually agree on a course completion plan.
  • Note - Instructors MUST be given adequate communication regarding your leave and are required only to give you reasonable accommodation for your military leave. Reasonable accommodation is determined by your instructor. If you feel reasonable accommodations are not being made, please notify Mr. Dewan and provide written proof of your case.
  1. There will be no financial penalties for withdrawing from your courses provided that you - (a) notify the Office of Student Financial Services of your leave, and (b) speak personally to your financial aid counselor.

Make-up Examinations

If a student is unable to take a scheduled examination, a make-up examination in a course may be given at the discretion of the faculty member. Such examinations must be taken during the semester in which the examination was missed, unless a grade of Incomplete is given for sufficient reason. This does not include comprehensive examinations. Students who are unable to take a comprehensive examination on the scheduled day must wait until the next scheduled offering.


Matriculation refers to a student being accepted into a degree-awarding program. Matriculated students can only be matriculated into one Utica College program at a time. Students who hold baccalaureate degrees from accredited institutions may take graduate courses without being accepted into a degree-awarding program and are considered non-matriculated. A maximum of six credit hours can be taken as a non-matriculated student.

A student who is not continuously enrolled (see Continuous Enrollment) will become inactive and lose matriculated status. Loss of matriculated status means that the student will need to start repaying any student loans, they will no longer have access to electronic library resources, and will need to submit an Application for Readmission Form through the Office of the Registrar to be reactivated in order to regain matriculated status and be allowed to register for courses or be graduated. Students who return after losing matriculated status are readmitted under the terms of the catalog appropriate to the new matriculation term, not the catalog of the original matriculation term.


See Grievance and Complaint Procedures.

Policy and Procedure Changes

The College reserves the right to make changes in policies and procedures at any time.

Professional Behavior

Students, as well as faculty, are expected to exhibit the high level of personal integrity that society must demand of professionals. Matters of professional misconduct, including moral turpitude, inappropriate behavior, or violations of a professional code of standards, are typically handled by the relevant academic department unless the behavior is so egregious as to warrant it being referred to the Office of Academic Affairs or the Academic Standards Committee. Failure to comply with these standards may result in denial of admission to dismissal from the College. For further information consult the Utica College Code of Student Conduct (see Code of Student Conduct) and retention policies of the individual academic programs.

Readmission Application Past the Six-Year Limit

Students who have been absent from Utica College so long that the six-year limit for completing the degree has expired but who wish to return to the College must submit an appeal to the Dean for Graduate Students in addition to the readmission form. 

Refund Policy

Contact the Office of Student Financial Services at (315) 792-3179 or visit www.utica.edu/sfs for information.

Repeating a Course

A student may elect to repeat only two courses. Only courses in which the student earned a grade of B-, C+, or C may be repeated, and a course may be repeated only once and with the written permission of the relevant program director. When a course is repeated, the lower grade remains on the transcript but is no longer calculated into the student’s GPA (credit is only awarded once). Repeating a course may affect financial aid eligibility. Students are encouraged to speak with their student financial services counselor prior to registering.

Note that a student is required to repeat a course in which a grade of F is received, which falls under the Academic Warning, Probation, and Dismissal policy.


Residencies are associated with specific courses and are mandatory. In certain dire circumstances the program director may grant a one-time deferral or excuse a student from the requirement to attend a residency. The failure to attend a residency will have a negative impact on success in the program.


It is expected that all graduate credits shall be taken at Utica College. The acceptance of transfer credit and other exceptions to the residency policy are at the discretion of the graduate program director and the school dean. Both the program director and the school dean must give written approval for these exceptions (See Transfer Credit).

Schedule Changes by Student

  1. Any change in schedule must be approved by the Office of the Registrar to become effective. Failure to do so will result in a grade of F for the course.
  2. The schedule of deadline dates for add, change, and drop of courses is published each semester in the Academic Calendar.
  3. Courses dropped after the official deadline to withdraw will receive a grade of WF (see Withdrawal).
  4. See Refund Policy for details of tuition refunds and Return of Title IV funds.

Student Employees, Confidentiality for

Students working in Utica College offices (student employees, resident assistants, student interns, or graduate assistants) are considered employees of the College, and as such are sometimes required to handle confidential materials. Students are asked to sign a statement of confidentiality. If a student knowingly reveals information learned in confidence while working in a College office, the College reserves the right to take disciplinary action.

Student Records, Access to and Release of

Students have the right to access and control access to their educational records as provided in the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), also known as the Buckley Amendment. These include the rights to view and challenge the content of specified records, to control the release of personal and academic information to third parties, and to suppress all or some information categorized as “directory information” by legislation.

The policy of Utica College on access to and release of student data/information follows. Pursuant to the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, this will constitute official notice of the following information:

  1. Official files containing material directly related to students are maintained in the following locations on campus.
    1. The Office of the Registrar maintains the student’s official academic record, admissions material, copies of official correspondence with the student, and copies of information concerning the student’s academic record sent to prospective employers or other educational institutions at his or her request. These files are maintained by the registrar.
    2. The Academic Support Services Center maintains a file containing academic records, admissions material, and copies of correspondence with the student who has not declared a major, or is on academic probation. These copies are maintained by the director of student development.
    3. The Office of Student Financial Services maintains files containing information related to financial aid applications and awards. These files are maintained by the executive director, Office of Student Financial Services.
    4. The Office of Student Employment maintains files containing information related to a student’s employment in all campus-based work programs. These files are maintained by the Office of Student Employment.
    5. Once a student has opened a credential file with the Office of Career Services, the office will send copies of this file to prospective employers or graduate schools at the student’s request for a period of 5 years after opening their file. These files are maintained by the Office of Career Services.
    6. The Office of Student Affairs maintains files of students who have had cases adjudicated through the College’s student disciplinary system. The student disciplinary system is used to resolve cases of students who are charged with violating the Code of Student Conduct. These files are maintained by the coordinator of student conduct systems.
    7. The Office of Residence Life maintains files related to students who live in campus residences. The files contain records of students’ housing history, including violations of residential policies and regulations. These files are maintained by the director of residence life.
    8. The Office of Online and Extended Studies maintains files for students in those programs. The files, which contain academic records, admissions material, and copies of correspondence, are maintained by the executive director of strategic operations.
    9. Corporate and Professional Programs maintains files for students enrolled in those programs. The files, which contain academic records, admissions material, and copies of correspondence, are maintained by the executive director of corporate and professional programs.
    10. The Division of Advancement maintains files on students who pledge a gift to the College. These files contain a record of their pledges and correspondence, and are maintained by the coordinator of research and records.
    11. The Office of Marketing and Communications maintains files on students who submit information for press releases. These files are maintained by the director of media relations.
    12. The school office in which the student’s major resides maintains a file containing academic records, admissions material, and copies of correspondence with the student. These copies are maintained by the dean of the relevant school.
  2. The Act stipulates that the following persons and officials may have access to a student’s file without his/her permission:
    1. Utica College officials, faculty members, and employees - including student employees, trustees, and persons under contract to the College - who have legitimate educational interests.
    2. Authorized representatives of certain federal and state officials, including the comptroller general, the secretary of education, etc. Please note that representatives of investigating agencies specifically are excluded.
    3. Organizations conducting studies for educational agencies for the purpose of developing, validating, or administering predictive tests, or administering student aid programs and improving instruction.
    4. Accrediting organizations in order to carry out their accrediting functions.
    5. In compliance with judicial order pursuant to any lawfully issued subpoena.
    6. Parents of students who are dependents of their parents for income tax purposes.
  3. No person, other than those enumerated in #2 above may have access to a student’s records without his or her written consent.
  4. Records maintained in the Office of the Registrar constitute the official record and are maintained for a period of five years. Records maintained in the other offices are destroyed when there is no further need for them, usually three to five years after graduation or separation from Utica College.
  5. The Act stipulates that students have the right to inspect their records. To do so, they must direct their request in writing to the person responsible for the file they wish to inspect. The request normally will be honored at the time of its receipt, if staff are available, but in no case later than 45 days after the request is made. Students have the right to review all material in their file unless they have waived their right of access. They have the right to receive a copy of any portion of their record, which will be made available to them at a charge of $1 for the first page requested and 10 cents for each additional page, with the exception of transcripts, which will be made available at a charge of $5 per copy.
  6. A student has the right to challenge the content of his or her records. If a student should wish to do so, the College will attempt to resolve the dispute informally, through the person having responsibility for the file. If this attempt proves to be unsatisfactory to the student making the challenge, the student may request the president of the College to convene a formal hearing. The president or a faculty or staff member appointed by the president, who shall have no direct interest in the outcome, will conduct the hearing. The hearing will be held within a reasonable time following the request, and the student will be afforded a full and fair opportunity to present evidence relevant to the issues raised. The decision will be rendered in writing by the official conducting the hearing within a reasonable time after the conclusion of the hearing.
  7. The Act permits the College to release directory information. Directory information will include the following categories: the student’s name, home town, home address, residency status, campus or local address, telephone number, UC e-mail address, UC student ID number, date and place of birth, academic level, major field of study, weight and height of athletic team members, dates of attendance at Utica College, registration status (full- vs. part-time), degrees and awards received, photographs, and the most recent previous educational institution attended, as well as participation in officially recognized activities and sports. Students who do not wish to have this information released without prior consent should notify the Office of the Registrar in writing. In the absence of such notification, directory information will be released when it is deemed appropriate by college officials.
  8. The Act permits the College to reveal the results of disciplinary proceedings against students accused of violent crimes who have been found responsible for violating the College’s rules or policies. The College is also permitted to notify parents if a student younger than 21 is caught drinking or using illegal drugs.

Student Status

Graduate students are considered full-time when they are registered for 6 or more credit hours in a given semester, half-time if they are registered for 3 to 5 credit hours, and less than half-time if they are registered for 2 credit hours or fewer. Students who are registered for courses have a student status of “Active.” Students who are not enrolled have a student status of “Inactive” and must be on an approved leave of absence (See Leave of Absence). Inactive students who are not on an approved leave of absence lose their matriculated status (see Matriculation) and must request to be readmitted to their academic program by submitting an Application for Readmission form.

Study at Other Institutions

See Transfer Credit


The Registrar’s Office issues transcripts upon written request. There is a fee per transcript. Requests are generally processed within five days. Delays may be experienced during the beginning and the end of each semester and during pre-registration. Please plan accordingly. Although students may request an unofficial copy of their transcript for their own use, when requesting that official transcripts be issued to other institutions or individuals, such requests must be made in person or in writing. Utica College reserves the right to withhold the transcripts and diplomas of financially-delinquent students.

Transfer Credit

As an institution of higher learning, Utica College strives to protect the integrity of its degree offerings. A maximum of six graduate credits graded B or higher from a regionally accredited institution may be applied to a Utica College graduate program at the time of matriculation. The credits must have been completed within six years of the initial date of matriculation at Utica College and must be equivalent to the courses being replaced. Both the program director or chair and the school dean must give written approval for the acceptance of transfer credits via the Graduate Transfer Credit Form.

Matriculated Utica College students must obtain prior written approval from the program director or chair before taking courses at another institution for credit at Utica College via the Permission to Study at Another Institution Form. Approval is not granted if the same or an equivalent course is offered at Utica College. Students who undertake such a study must meet all graduate requirements for the program in which they are matriculated. In addition, for a course to be transferred, the student must have achieved a grade of B or better in the course. Students who already have transferred six hours of credit from another college may not transfer additional course work.

Waived Courses

Under certain circumstances a required course may be waived, meaning the student does not have to take that course. A waived course implies that a student has sufficient knowledge in that particular area. However, no credits are awarded for waived courses. Course credit is only granted through completion or transfer of a course (see Transfer Credit) or in rare circumstances as experience credit (see Experience Credit). Students who have had a course waived should consult with their adviser to identify a sequence of courses that will ensure they will have the necessary credits to graduate.

Moreover, it is the student’s ultimate responsibility to ensure that all degree requirements have been completed (see Graduation Approval). Students can review their progress toward degree completion at any time using the Degree Evaluation function, which is in the Student Services tab in BannerWeb for students.


Students wishing to withdraw from one or more courses while remaining registered for at least one course in the term indicated must do so via BannerWeb before the add/drop deadline. After the add/drop deadline, the request must be made in writing to the Office of the Registrar and may result in financial and academic consequences.

Students wishing to withdraw from ALL courses in a given term or to withdraw completely from the College must submit the Complete Withdraw Form. See the Office of the Registrar’s website at www.utica.edu/registrar for more information.

Withdrawing from (dropping) a class during the add/drop period for the appropriate part of term will result in the complete removal of the course from a student’s record. Withdrawing from a class during the withdraw period - after the add/drop deadline but before the “last day to WD without academic penalty” deadline - will result in a grade of WD on a student’s transcript; this grade will not affect the GPA. Withdrawing from a class during the withdraw/fail period - after the “last day to WD without academic penalty” deadline - will result in a grade of WF on a student’s transcript; this grade calculates as an F in the GPA. Consult the Academic Calendar for these deadlines.

Students may be placed on academic probation, depending on the conditions of their withdrawal. Students who receive aid may also be subject to a Return of Title IV funds and may fail to make successful academic progress, resulting in the loss of eligibility for financial aid.

Withdrawal, Unofficial for Non-Attendance

Any student who receives Title IV funds who stops attending his or her classes during the semester without officially withdrawing from the College is considered an unofficial withdrawal according to Title IV federal regulations. The College is required to return unearned financial aid to the federal government for all unofficial withdrawals in the same manner as students who withdraw officially. The student’s last date of attendance is used to calculate the amount of financial aid to return to the federal government. The funds returned to the federal government for unearned financial aid will be added to the student’s final bill.

A simple equation to explain the process is:

(% of term completed) x (total aid awarded) = earned aid

(Total aid awarded) - (earned aid) = unearned aid to be returned to federal government

For complete information about how unofficial withdrawals are processed, please contact the Office of Student Financial Services at (315) 792-3179.