Feb 15, 2025  
2017 Graduate Catalog 1.2 (SUMMER - FALL) 
2017 Graduate Catalog 1.2 (SUMMER - FALL) [ARCHIVED CATALOG - Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]

Student Life

Utica College is committed to the development of its students, both graduate and undergraduate, as you enter a world of interesting people, engaging ideas, and stimulating activities.
Getting involved in campus life outside of the classroom is an important aspect of student life, including for graduate students. Programming and support is provided through a number
of the following offices.
The Office of Graduate Studies (OGS) is designed specifically to support the day-to-day needs of campus-based graduate students while enhancing the experience and success of all
graduate students. The mission of OGS is to provide a quality, streamlined graduate experience by supporting graduate students and faculty, administering effective and consistent policies
and procedures, and connecting graduate students to each other and Utica College. The office supports students, staff, and faculty and looks for ways to improve communication among
all graduate students. OGS is available to assist with questions when answers are not easily found, connecting students with the appropriate office as needed. Located in 120 White Hall,
they can be reached at (315) 792-3335 or online at www.utica.edu/ogs.

Student Conduct & Community Standards

Students at Utica College have enrolled freely and are expected to conduct themselves in a manner supportive of the educational mission of the institution. Integrity, respect for the person and property of others, and a commitment to intellectual and personal growth in a diverse population are values deemed fundamental to membership in this College community.

As members of the Utica College community, students are assumed to be responsible for their actions. Students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the Utica College Code of Student Conduct, which is outlined in detail on the Utica College website at http://www.utica.edu/student/conduct.

If a student is charged with violating the Code of Student Conduct, that student will have charges addressed through the student conduct process. It is Utica College’s policy under ordinary circumstances that, pending disciplinary action, the status of students will not be altered or their rights to be present on campus and to attend classes suspended. However, the College reserves the right to immediately alter a student’s status and deny access to campus whenever the behavior in question is egregious or adversely affects the academic environment or the safety of students, faculty, staff, or property. In such cases, students may face interim restrictions or suspension while the case is adjudicated.

Campus Dining Services

Campus Dining Services operates several dining and beverage facilities across campus. Located in the Strebel Student Center, the Strebel Dining Commons is an all-you-can-eat dining hall; the Pioneer Pub provides classic grill favorites; Subway is known for their freshly prepared subs, wraps, and salads. Le Bistro is located in the Gordon Science Center and serves Starbucks Coffee, ready-made deli sandwiches, and gourmet desserts. Common Grounds, located in Gannett Library, has a variety of coffee, tea, and smoothies.
For menus and hours, visit uticadiningservices.com.

Campus Safety

The Office of Campus Safety is dedicated to ensuring the personal safety and well-being of Utica College’s students, employees, and guests. Safety officers are responsible for maintaining order and safety both within campus buildings and throughout the campus grounds, and for providing protection from theft, misuse, and vandalism of personal and campus property. Students living off campus must register their vehicles with the Office of Campus Safety at no charge to receive their campus Parking Permit. Students must also obtain their Student ID through the Campus Safety Office located in Strebel Student Center.

Safety officers are also responsible for enforcing the College’s safety rules and regulations. Officers’ conduct themselves with the highest degree of professionalism, and are committed to maintaining good campus and community relations. Each year the Office of Campus Safety publishes a safety awareness brochure that contains campus safety policies and resources as well as statistics on campus crime as required by the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. 

To view a copy of this publication, or for more information about Campus Safety, visit www.utica.edu/safety.

Career Services

Career Services, located in room 206 of the Strebel Student Center, assists students in preparing for or furthering a career based on their interests, skills, values, personality, and goals. Its services are available to all students and alumni within 5 years of graduation. Career Services offers a full range of services designed to help students explore their professional interests, understand the importance of proper planning and preparation in goal setting, and assist in the successful transition from academic to professional life. Individualized assistance is provided in developing and critiquing resume and cover letters as well as interview preparation. Students also may request up to 20 complimentary business cards and 10 free sheets of resume paper.

For more information, visit www.utica.edu/careerservices.

Health Insurance

All full-time undergraduate and graduate students must carry health insurance. Utica College offers a health insurance plan for students who do not have alternate coverage which is charged to your account every semester. This charge varies semester to semester. Health insurance covers medical services not available at or through the Student Health Center. Full-time students who already have alternate health insurance and do not want the student health insurance must complete an online waiver each year the student enrolls at Utica College. Information on the student health insurance is available at Haylor Freyer & Coon, Inc. at (866)-535-0456.

For more information, please visit http://www.utica.edu/finance/sfs/index.cfm.

Learning Services

The Office of Learning Services provides advisement, advocacy, and academic support to students who identify themselves as having a disability and to students who are experiencing academic difficulties. The staff works with students in a variety of ways to promote self-awareness, self-determination, and self-­advocacy for our students with disabilities. The staff also acts as a resource for all members of the Utica College community to promote accessibility for learning.

For more information about Learning Services visit www.utica.edu/learning or call 315-792-3032.


The Frank E. Gannett Memorial Library provides a physical and virtual (http://www.utica.edu/library) focal point for learning, teaching, and research. The Utica College identification card serves as a library card and is required for many library services. Computer workstations and laptops, networked print stations, photocopiers, a flatbed scanner, and microform readers are available in the library. Group study rooms are outfitted with computers and large screen monitors. The Media Center houses the VHS, DVD, and audio recordings that are used in classes. The Media Center is open Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. when classes are in session. Students can get research help by contacting a librarian by email, phone, or by filling out a Web form and can also request in-depth help by scheduling a research appointment. Appointments can be conducted by phone for commuters and distance students. Additionally, the library offers 24/7 virtual reference service, staffed by librarians at Utica College and around the world, whereby reference questions are answered via real-time chat.

Interlibrary loan plays a key role in expanding access to library collections throughout the state, across the country, and internationally. Students who need resources that the Gannett Library does not own may request them through the Interlibrary loan service, free of charge.

For more information about the Gannett Library’s resources, services, and hours of operation, visit www.utica.edu/library or e-mail to library@utica.edu

Online and Extended Studies

The School of Online and Extended Studies (OES) offers support services, student success initiatives, and innovation for Utica College’s suite of online and non-traditional programs. The
mission of OES is to provide Utica College students, faculty, and staff with a broad range of services, and help lead the way for future development in both the online and non-traditional learning space. They can be reached at (315) 792-3001 or online at www.utica.edu/oes.

Student Living & College Engagement

Located in room 205 of Strebel Student Center, the SLCE Office works to offer programs and services for the entire campus community, as well as offers a variety of housing options for those who choose to live on campus. We work actively with over 80 student organizations, over 30 professionally-trained student Resident Assistants, and many more involved student leaders to make sure UC students are taking advantage of all opportunities for engagement.  The office emails a daily newsletter, the Daysheet, which is a listing of all campus activities, as well as keeps a Google Calendar called “Student Engagement” for the campus community. Students seeking involvement or housing information should visit or call the office. The office manages all online Housing forms, Moose Match, Pioneer Place, and UticaTickets.com. Centro schedules and bus passes are also available in this office, as well as more information about transportation options. Additional information about office hours and services provided by the Office of Student Living and College Engagement can be found online at www.utica.edu/student/SLCE/home.cfm.

Get more detailed information about student life by checking out the official Student Handbook online at www.utica.edu/student/media/handbook.pdf

Student Success

Utica College is committed to fostering student success by offering confidential, goal oriented counseling services, and Student Success staff members are trained to help students address a variety of academic concerns.
For more information, please visit www.utica.edu/student/development/success/

Student Wellness Center

The Student Wellness Center is located on the second floor of Strebel Center. The Student Wellness Center houses both the HEALTH and COUNSELING offices. When college is in session during the fall and spring semesters, all registered full and part-time students are eligible to receive medical and counseling services at the Student Wellness Center. Service is free unless otherwise noted. All students must turn in a completed health form and immunization record.

The Health Office provides medical care for students with acute short-term illness.

The Counseling office provides individual and group counseling services to current students. Our licensed professionals are trained to help students overcome emotional and/or substance use barriers that are inhibiting their academic success. While personal counseling is available through the office, referrals to off-campus counseling is also obtainable through the counseling office if the student so chooses. Counselors are also available after hours if a mental health emergency should arise when the office is closed. All counseling services are free of charge to students.

The Student Wellness Center is open Monday thru Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. during the academic year. All student records are confidential. No information will be released to anyone, including parents or legal guardians, without a signed release from the student. If medical care is needed after hours, there are two urgent care centers and two emergency rooms in the immediate area. The cost of these services is the responsibility of the student.

For more information on counseling services: http://www.utica.edu/student/development/counseling/index.cfm

For more information on student health services: http://www.utica.edu/student/health/

Proof of Immunization

All full and part­-time graduate and undergraduate students must comply with New York State Public Health Law #2165 and #2167, including students who have residencies or take classes on campus. Students must provide the Student Wellness Center with proof of immunization for Measles, Mumps, Rubella, and meningitis. Students may complete and sign a waiver form declining the meningitis vaccine only.  Students’ have 30 days from the start of classes to comply with this law, failure to comply will result in the students’ registration being dropped, and the student will be barred from attendance in classes.

Call the Student Wellness Center at (315) 792­3094 for more information. 

Utica College Alumni Society

Graduates of Utica College automatically become members of the Utica College Alumni Society upon graduation. The Alumni Society is represented by an elected body called the Utica College Alumni Council (UCAC). The alumni members of the UCAC have distinguished themselves through their professional or community work and their service to Utica College. With the assistance of the UCAC, the Office of Alumni and Parent Relations coordinates services and activities for alumni and students, including alumni regional events, volunteer opportunities, the annual fall Homecoming events, and the various alumni awards. Other volunteer opportunities in which graduates may become involved include assisting Admissions, career and networking events, being mentors to students, and the Annual Fund campaign. The Pioneer, Utica College’s alumni magazine, is sent to all alumni to keep them informed about the Utica College community. The Office of Alumni and Parent Relations is located in Champlin House.
Information about services and events is available at www.utica.edu/alumni.