(Bachelor of Science Degree)
The curriculum for this major is designed to prepare students for careers centered on the management of construction projects. It includes a balanced focus on technical construction knowledge - like methods and materials, thermal comfort, and building layout - and the managerial, financial, and planning skills necessary for completing construction projects successfully. Also, throughout the curriculum there are consistent emphases on such broad strengths as excellence in oral and written communication, an understanding of the social and cultural dynamics of the construction industry, and the qualities of ethical business practice and the principles of social responsibility.
Total credit hours required for degree: 128
Learning Objectives
Graduates from this program will be able to:
- Utilize contract documents to prepare a comprehensive construction project cost estimate.
- Apply planning skills to prepare an equipment use plan, organize and layout a construction site, and formulate a construction schedule using Gantt charts and precedent diagramming techniques.
- Manifest administration/organizational proficiency via the development of a detailed construction project procedures manual and safety plan that documents construction activities and the flow of information.
- Pen professional documents and deliver formal oral presentations.
- Apply basic financial principles to prepare and interpret construction job cost reports, schedule of values, and cash flow diagrams.
- Participate effectively as a member of a team
Special Requirements
To be eligible for graduation all students pursuing a B.S. Degree in Construction Management must earn a minimum grade of “C” in all major and all major-related courses. In the event a student does not achieve the minimum grade of “C”, the course must be repeated until that level of scholarship is achieved.