Oct 18, 2024  
2024 Undergraduate Catalog 1.2 (SUMMER-FALL) 
2024 Undergraduate Catalog 1.2 (SUMMER-FALL)

Nursing (B.S.N.) - Hegis Code 1203.10

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RN to BSN Option

The Nursing Program offers the RN an opportunity to continue her/his education toward a baccalaureate degree in nursing. Learning experiences are designed to meet the educational, career, and personal needs of each student.  New areas of knowledge build upon the student’s educational and clinical experiences.

RN-BSN Program - Special Requirements

Each student is required to meet the following criteria in order to remain in the Nursing Program:

  1. Students are expected to be aware of prerequisite course requirements. Prerequisites will not be waived.
  2. A minimum grade of C+ (76.5%) will be required for all nursing courses.
    • A student who achieves a grade of less than a C+ in a nursing course has one opportunity to repeat the course. There is no limit to the number of nursing courses that may be repeated but each course can only be repeated once.  Failure to achieve the minimum grade of C+ in the repeated course will result in academic dismissal from the nursing program.
  3. A minimum grade of C will be required for all major related courses.
    • A student who achieves a grade of less than a C in a major-related course has one opportunity to repeat the course. There is no limit to the number of major related courses that may be repeated but each course can only be repeated once.  Failure to achieve the minimum grade of C in the repeated course will result in academic dismissal from the nursing program.
  4. Achieve and maintain a minimum cumulative G.P.A of 2.5
  5. Adhere to Utica University academic rules and regulations (see the undergraduate catalog)
  6. Students who are placed on academic probation by the University may be suspended or requested to withdraw from the nursing program.
  7. Students are expected to maintain standards of professional behavior at all times. The student who fails to meet these standards may be subject to dismissal from the University and/or the program. Expected behaviors include but are not limited to:
    • Participate in all classes and clinical experiences. In the case of illness or an emergency, the appropriate faculty member must be notified.
    • Prepare for class according to course requirements identified in each course syllabus.
    • Complete all assignments in a timely manner.
    • Demonstrate respect and courtesy toward faculty, staff, and fellow students.
    • Demonstrate honesty and integrity in all academic and clinical settings.
    • Contribute to the educational growth of self and fellow students.
  8. Utica University welcomes the physically challenged and in compliance with Section 504 of The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (as amended) and The Americans with Disability Act of 1990 (ADA), does not discriminate on the basis of handicap. Students are responsible to inform the faculty of any need for accommodations as identified by the coordinator of learning services located in Academic support services
  9. Students may declare a minor. Minors usually require additional 15-21 credits. If a student is interested in declaring a minor, s(he) is encouraged to discuss this with the director.
  10. It is the responsibility of the student to check Banner (conducting a Degree Evaluation) and make sure all courses are posted. If there is a discrepancy found, please notify the director via e-mail. Instructions for running a Degree Evaluation may be found at: http://www.utica.edu/academic/registrar/Degree_Evaluation_Information_for_Students.pdf
  11. For graduation requirements see the University catalog. While students transferring into Utica University with an Associates Degree are exempt from most core requirements, New York requires that 60 credits of the bachelor’s degree are courses designated as liberal arts and sciences. To be eligible to graduate, students must have completed the total credits required, including the required nursing courses; the required major related courses; and 60 credits of liberal arts. At least 30 credits must be taken at Utica University to earn the Utica University degree. The Degree Evaluation is the best way to plan and track your own progress.

Department of Nursing Goals

  • Liberal Education Foundation: Assimilate theories and concepts from liberal education into generalist foundation practice.
  • Leadership: Practice leadership concepts to deliver high quality health care
  • Professional Behavior: Incorporate professional standards of moral, ethical, and legal conduct into practice.
  • Clinical Competence: Provide safe, competent care across the life-span.

Academic Requirements

Core/General Education: 34-55 Credit Hours

Effective for the 2022-2023 academic year, Utica University has implemented a new general education program that replaces Core. Students who are admitted, or readmitted, for the 2022- 2023 academic year or later must follow the requirements of the General Education program. Students admitted prior to the 2022-2023 academic year must follow the requirements of the Core program. For full details of program requirements, see the catalog pages for the Core program and the General Education program. Students with specific questions should consult with their academic adviser or success coach.

25 Credit Hours


The student must complete sufficient elective courses to earn at least the minimum credit hours required for this degree, and at least 60 credit hours of the 121 required must be in the liberal arts and sciences.

Program Credits

Core/General Education 34-55 Credits
Major Course Requirements 25 Credits
Major Related Course Requirements 33 Credits
College Electives 8-29 Credits
Total Credit Hours Required For Degree 121 Credits


Other Important Information

Academic Honesty Policy

In addition to the Utica University regulations regarding academic honesty (Utica University Catalog), and the Code of Student Conduct, the Department of Nursing faculty has developed the following policy statement: The faculty and students of the Department of Nursing believe that ethical behavior in the American Nurses’ Association Code for Nurses implies the highest standards of honesty and integrity, and applies equally to nursing students and practicing nurses. All aspects of the Department of Nursing life and culture are designed to further the achievement of these standards. Students should maintain academic honesty at all times. Students must do their own work on all tests and assignments without the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Any quoted or paraphrased phrases or sentences from published material, Internet sources, or other individuals’ work must be correctly referenced. Students may not resubmit their own previously graded work when retaking a course or for a grade in a different course without faculty approval. Resubmitting earlier work will be considered self-plagiarism and treated as any other form of academic dishonesty. Refer to the Utica University Academic Honesty site.

Statement on Artificial Intelligence 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) software (e.g. Chat GPT) should not be used for writing assignments in this class. Please be aware that although AI appears to make writing easy, the work it produces is not always reliable and accurate. In addition, using AI is fairly easy to detect. More importantly, if you choose to let AI write a paper for you, you will lose the ability to learn, grow, and develop important skills that are part of the ultimate goal for attending this University. If you use AI, you are committing plagiarism (i.e., using ideas and words that are not your own) and are not fulfilling the requirements associated with writing your own paper. Plagiarism is a form of cheating and will be penalized accordingly.

The nursing faculty will follow Utica University’s Process regarding academic dishonesty if the use of AI is detected. Tools used to check writing, such as the autocorrect feature in Google Docs and Grammarly, are acceptable for editing your work. AI technology may include the use of programming engines, software, and/or assignment generating programs.  Examples of unacceptable AI programs/software include but are not limited to ChatGPT, GrammarlyGO, Dall-E-2, RyterAI, Quillbot, and Paraphrasingtool.ai. If you have any questions about AI websites, software, or technology, please contact the course faculty to discuss.

Academic Dishonesty Process 

Any student who plagiarizes, or cheats in any way (e.g., tests, papers, presentations) is subject to penalty, and sanctions by the instructor, the Office of Student Conduct, and/or the Academic Standards Committee. When academic dishonesty is detected by a faculty member, the faculty member determines the appropriate sanction. Sanctions that the faculty member can impose include work assignments (such as repeating a paper) or penalty grades, up to and including the grade of “F for Cheating.” Sanctions other than work or grade penalties must be recommendations on the part of the department to the Dean of the relevant academic division. 

Regardless of the sanction imposed, the faculty member must inform the student of intellectual dishonesty in writing and copy the Office of Academic Affairs using the form letter to be found on the Academic Honesty website at  https://www.utica.edu/academic/facultyinfo/intellectualdishonesty.cfm. Academic Affairs checks to see if this is a repeat offense. If this is the first such offense no further action will be taken, although the letter will remain on file in the Office of Academic Affairs and specific academic programs may impose additional sanctions. A repeat offense may occur on different assignments in the same class or in different classes. If it is a repeat offense, Academic Affairs informs the student in writing that the materials are being forwarded to the Academic Standards Committee for review. Academic Affairs collects relevant material from the faculty member, including syllabi and assignment sheets. Academic Affairs receives any materials submitted by the student. The Academic Standards Committee convenes a meeting to review the case. The Associate Provost brings the collected material to the meeting. Following the meeting, the Academic Standards Committee Chair informs the student in writing of the committee’s decision. Student appeals are directed to the Office of Academic Affairs, and any appeal of the decision is heard by the Provost. Appeals must be filed by the student within 14 days of the date of the letter from Academic Standards. 

Plagiarism in any nursing course will not be tolerated. This notice is considered your first warning. If you are unclear about what constitutes plagiarism or academic dishonesty, it is your responsibility to seek appropriate guidance. Students who wish to appeal a penalty should consult with Academic Support Services. Appeals are heard by the Academic Standards Committee, which may recommend a more or less severe penalty.

Confidentiality Statement

All students are required to be familiar with and comply with the Standards of Professional Behavior while enrolled in the Utica University nursing program. Confidentiality is a critical element to a professional health care provider and compliance is required by law in order to protect the privacy rights of patients. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) mandates standards that ensure privacy and security of patients’ health information, as well as electronic medical records. Students are required to know these privacy rules and will comply at all times. 

● Students in clinical have access to protected health information (PHI) of patients on a “need to know” basis and it is solely for use within the scope of duties relating to patient treatment. 

● Students may only access the PHI of patients if they are directly participating in their treatment. 

● Students may not record PHI of patients (such as name, social security number, date of birth, etc.) on forms which are turned in for clinical or class assignments. PHI will not be removed from the health care facility. This includes oral, written, and electronic disclosures. 

● Students may never discuss PHI in public or inappropriate areas to include but not limited to hallways, elevators, restrooms, cafeterias, etc., or with friends/family at any time. 

● Failure to protect PHI may be considered a violation of a patient’s right to privacy. Properly dispose of documents containing PHI by discarding them in assigned containers marked for proper disposal; do not throw these documents in the trash. 

● If a student is unsure whether his or her actions will be in violation of these policies, he or she must consult the instructor prior to taking action with the PHI. 

● Any student in violation of these policies may be terminated from a clinical position, fail the class, and/or be removed from the nursing program, depending on the circumstances of the violation.

Social Media Poicy 

Nursing students may not video or audio record at any time in a clinical setting. They may not post any material that could potentially violate patient confidentiality on social media sites. Students may be subject to disciplinary action by the school and the clinical agency for comments that are either unprofessional or violate patient privacy. HIPAA regulations apply to comments made on social networking sites, and violators are subject to the same prosecution as with other HIPAA violations. 

There has been an increase in the use of electronic communication and social media methods within businesses, healthcare environments and academic learning institutions. It is important when using these types of communication methods to be mindful of consequences of their use. See below for a list of guidelines. 

● Recognize obligation to maintain privacy and confidentiality 

● Do not disseminate information that will degrade or embarrass the patient

● Do not transmit patient related information 

● Do not post information that could reasonably identify the patient 

● Do not refer to patients in a disparaging manner 

● Do not take photos or videos of patient, unless authorized 

● Maintain professional boundaries 

● Consult employer policies 

● Report breaches of confidentiality of privacy 

● Be aware of employer and hospital policies on the use of computers, cameras, and other electronic devices, etc. 

● Do not post disparaging remarks about students, faculty or staff member 

Alcohol, Drug, and Substance Policy

It is expected that all students adhere to the Utica University alcohol and other drug policies. Refer to Utica University Annual Notice Regarding Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Policies. It is the policy of the Department of Nursing that students be free of chemical impairment during participation in any part of their program including classroom, laboratory, and clinical activities. A chemically impaired student is defined as a person who, while in the classroom, laboratory, or clinical setting, is under the influence of, or has abused, either separately or in combination: alcohol, over-the-counter medication, illegal drugs, prescribed medications, inhalants, or synthetic designer drugs. Students who are chemically impaired in the clinical setting may jeopardize the lives of their clients.

Student Communication Policy- Academic Concerns (Traditional, RN to BSN and MS Programs)

When students have a concern about their learning experience, the following is the

best path to a *resolution.

1. The student(s) shares the concern with the faculty member directly

involved with the current course, clinical and/or lab.

2. If unresolved, the student(s) may request an appointment to discuss, or send

a written description of their concern to the Director of the Nursing

Program (Traditional, RN to BSN or MS).

3. The Director of the Nursing Program will decide whether to notify the

Department Chair

4. The Department Chair will decide whether to notify the Dean

5. The Dean will decide whether to notify the Provost

*Seeking a resolution without going directly to the faculty member, will risk a longer and more complicated response. However, the student(s) may wish to discuss the concern with their success coach and/or advisor to seek support and direction regarding the best way to articulate the concern, identify their need and identify suggestions for collaborative problem solving.

Attendance Policy For Courses With Clinical/Practice Experience  Department of Nursing 

Students who are unable to attend clinical, or meet practice experience requirements for any reason will not be able to meet the objectives associated with the course which will result in course failure. They may withdraw from the course and return at a later date when they are able to engage in all elements of the course (didactic, clinical/practice experience) to meet all the objectives resulting in successful course completion.”

Clinical Behavior/Performance for Practice Experiences

University and Facility retain the right to request removal of, and bar, any Student from participation in the Program who, for any reason deemed sufficient by University or Facility, in its sole discretion, is not complying with the terms and conditions of this Agreement or Facility’s policies and procedures; is disruptive; is behaving in a manner detrimental to the Program and/or Facility’s patients, including drug or alcohol use; or is not participating in the Program at a level which will permit the Student to achieve the benefits of his/her experience; provided; however, that University or Facility exercises said privilege in a nondiscriminatory manner.

Progressive Discipline Policy


1. The progressive discipline process will apply to any violation of the student code of conduct as outlined in the Student Handbook for non-academic issues 

2. Prior to issuing any disciplinary action, the faculty will check Utica University Navigate system to identify any previous violations.

3. When the nature of the incident requires a verbal warning, it will be documented as such. 

4. A verbal or written warning will be issued by the faculty based on the incident that occurred or past violations.  

5. Following the written warning, the student may progress to non-academic probation when a subsequent issue warrants further discipline. 

6. Utica University’s Nursing administration reserves the right to apply the most appropriate disciplinary action for the offense committed, inclusive of dismissing the student from the clinical setting, probation, or dismissal from the program 

7. Discipline/Probation document to include a summary of the verbal or written incident. The faculty and student will sign the document.  A copy of the form is provided to the student. 

8. All completed progressive disciplinary documentation will be scanned into the student’s file in Navigate and will remain there until program completion. 

9. Progressive discipline actions continue in effect throughout the student’s enrollment in the program. Actions will be sequential and/or appropriate for the offense committed. 

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