(Bachelor of Science Degree)
The major in health studies is designed for students who plan to enter the health or health-related professions. Majors include students planning graduate work in a health or health-related field, students who plan to seek employment in the healthcare field upon graduation, and students interested in exploring health issues in the context of a liberal arts background. This degree does not lead to a professional credential or prepare for licensure.
For students who are pre-accepted into Occupational Therapy (HLS-OT), or Physical Therapy (HLS-PT), the Health Studies degree serves as their undergraduate degree.
See sections below for each of these programs.
Physical Therapy
Students who have been accepted as freshmen into the direct entry program (HSPT OR HSP4) must complete Core (34-55 credits) and Major Course requirements (35 credits) for the Health Studies Degree. In addition, they must complete the following: CHE 211 ; CHE 263 ; HLS 102 ; HLS 401 or DPT 591 ; PHY 151 ; PHY 152 ; PSY 237 ; PSY 372 or PCL 374 , plus one elective from the above health science electives.
In order to maintain one’s status as a Health Studies Physical Therapy major, a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better must be maintained. Students must earn a grade of B or better in each of the science courses. Students who fail to earn a grade of B or better in a required science course may repeat that course to earn a satisfactory grade. However, a student may repeat no more than two science courses and any science course may be repeated only once.
Should a student fail to meet these requirements, his/her major will change to Health Studies with no guarantee of acceptance into the graduate DPT program. The student is welcome to re-apply at a later date if all admission requirements have been met. Please see Graduate catalog for additional information.
Occupational Therapy
Students who have been accepted as freshmen into the direct entry program (HSOT OR HSO4) must complete Core (34-55 credits) and Major Course requirements (35 credits) for the Health Studies Degree. In addition, they must complete the following with a grade of C or better prior to the end of their junior year: BIO 201 ; BIO 202 ; HLS 102 ; HLS 309 ; HLS 381 ; PSY 361 ; OCT 561 , plus one elective from the above health science electives. Students must earn a grade of C or better in each of the prerequisite courses listed here. No required prerequisite course can be repeated more than once. In order to continue into the OT coursework as seniors, students must have an overall GPA of 3.2 or better and have completed a total of 25 hours of observation with an OT in at least two different settings by January of their junior year. Students may apply to the HSOT program as incoming freshmen or as transfers following three semesters of college work with a GPA of 3.2 or better.
Health studies students interested in occupational therapy must meet with the chair of the occupational therapy program for specific advising as early in their academic career as possible.
Learning Objectives
Graduates will:
- Communicate an awareness of and appreciation for the importance of interacting effectively with people of diverse backgrounds.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the varied interdisciplinary healthcare roles inclusive of Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Nursing, Therapeutic Recreation and Psychology-Child Life.
- Interpret and apply Human Development concepts across the lifespan to evaluate and improve the health of individuals with/without various medical conditions.
- Demonstrate critical appraisal skills when utilizing clinical research in order to be critical consumers of research as well as advocates for their future healthcare clients.
- Identify key components of professional ethics and behaviors of health practitioners.