Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Adviser Name:_______________________ Publication: 2024 Undergraduate Catalog 1.1 (WINTER-SPRING) Program: Biology (B.S.)- Hegis Code 0401.00 Minimum Credits Required:__________________

Biology (B.S.)- Hegis Code 0401.00

(Bachelor of Science Degree)*

Science is the process of creating new knowledge concerning the natural world. The Biology Department at Utica University engages students in active research as the primary method of learning biology as a science. We provide a thorough and diverse education in biological principles and techniques of biological inquiry. Students experience relevant and exciting challenges in their pursuit of successful and rewarding careers. Our distinctive, active learning approach promotes scholarship, responsible citizenship, and lifelong learning.

Total credit hours required for degree: 120

Learning Objectives

Successful graduates from this program will:

Understand the key principles and techniques of molecular biology and genetics, cell biology, organismal biology, and population biology, evolution, and ecology.  

Demonstrate the ability to conduct scientific research, including:

  • critical analysis and use of the biological primary literature;
  • experimental design;
  • statistical analysis;
  • graphical presentation of data;
  • oral scientific presentation;
  • written scientific paper.

Academic Requirements

Core/General Education: 34 - 55 Credit Hours

Effective for the 2022-2023 academic year, Utica University has implemented a new general education program that replaces Core. Students who are admitted, or readmitted, for the 2022- 2023 academic year or later must follow the requirements of the General Education program. Students admitted prior to the 2022-2023 academic year must follow the requirements of the Core program. For full details of program requirements, see the catalog pages for the Core program and the General Education program. Students with specific questions should consult with their academic adviser or success coach.

Major Course Requirements

Essentials of Biology

Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
BIO 211 - General Biology I (0, 4) *
BIO 212 - General Biology II (0, 4)
BIO 231 - Research Methods I (3)
BIO 232 - Research Methods II (3)
14 Credit Hours

Foundations of Biology

(seven courses)

Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
BIO 321 - Genetics (0, 4)
BIO 327 - Cell Biology (0, 4)
BIO 323 - Ecology (0, 4)
BIO 329 - Evolution (3)
Structural/Functional Biology

(select one course)

Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
BIO 322 - Developmental Biology (0, 4)
BIO 324 - Animal Physiology (0, 4)
Organismal Biology

(BIO 325 - Botany (0, 4)  and one other course) 

Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
BIO 325 - Botany (0, 4)
Select One Course
Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
BIO 432 - Principles of Microbiology (0, 4)
BIO 436 - Biology of Vertebrates (0, 4)
BIO 437 - Biology of Invertebrates (0, 4)
27 Credit Hours

Upper Level Biology Electives

  • Biology Elective Courses at the 300, 400, or 500 level* (7)
7 Credit Hours

Integrated Biological Experience

(select one course)

Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
BIO 450 - Senior Research (3)
BIO 495 - Senior Seminar (3)
3 credit Hours

Total Biology Coursework: 51 credits

Major-Related Course Requirements *

Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
CHE 211 - General Chemistry I (0,4)
CHE 212 - General Chemistry II (0,4)


PHY 151 - General Physics I (0, 4)


PHY 152 - General Physics II (0, 4)


PHY 261 - Physics I (0, 4)


PHY 262 - Physics II (0, 4)


MAT 112 - Basic Statistics (3)


PSY 211 - Statistics in the Behavioral and Social Sciences (3)


SOC 211 - Statistics in the Behavioral and Social Sciences (3)


MAT 201 - Calculus I (3)

19 Credit Hours

Total Hours Required in Major: 70


Students must satisfactorily complete BIO 496 on a designated date during the semester of graduation.


*Students will be required to earn a grade of C or better in BIO 211 before enrolling in any subsequent Biology courses that are required for the Biology major.


The student must complete sufficient elective courses to earn at least the minimum credits hours for this degree and at least 64 credits of the 120 required must be in the liberal arts and sciences.

Biology Honors:

Students must submit their request to be considered for Honors in Biology to the Department Chair at least 6 weeks before degree conferral (see academic calendar.) In order to be considered, the following requirements must be satisfied.

1. The student must have Biology GPA of at least 3.4 in all Biology courses taken at Utica University and an overall GPA of at least 3.0.The student must take BIO 450 in their junior or senior year and present their findings at the Student Conference for Research, Professional Activities, and Creative Arts or a similar venue.

2. The Biology Faculty will evaluate the student’s credentials and then select those who shall receive Honors. The student’s participation in departmental activities will also be considered.

For those students selected, the transcript will read Bachelor of Science with Honors in Biology.

Program Credits

Core/General Education 34-55 Credits
Major Course Requirements 44 Credits
Major Related Course Requirements 19 Credits
Major Electives 7 Credits
College Electives 0-16 Credits
Total Credit Hours Required For Degree 120 Credits

